Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Six Days Down

I am thankful today for

1) Pie: apple, pecan, peach, banana cream. Mmmm Mmmm. I like pie better than cake.
2) This book: made me feel so free when I was in college. Then I read parts of it again later, and it made me remember how it felt to be that free. Tom Robbins's books are like brain candy.
3) TinkerToys. Scotty got this for Christmas, and they are so much fun. I have a great time playing with them too. We built a MASSIVE robot tonight.
4) Double rainbows.
5) The prospect of this election acting as the dawn of something really positive in our country.
6) A good, deep, spontanious, contagious, uncontrolable laugh.

Day 6

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