Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sigh, Not Last Night

DAY 98 Waiting for I600 Determination----

It is difficult to believe that I still, after 3 and a half months, think every night might be the night we get our approval. I still wake up at 3 or 4 AM to check my e-mail, and I still get devastated every morning. The impact this waiting is having on our lives is huge. We are a family in perpetual limbo. What the officials conducting this I600 investigation fail to understand, I believe, is that we simply cannot give up. Asking us, at this point, to allow our child to grow up in an orphanage, would be similar to asking me, if I were pregnant with Daniel, to simply walk away from him. I am one of his mothers even though I am not legally, yet. That means that I will never stop loving him and working to give him what is best for him. That means if his life mother is found, and if she has been searching for him, I will gladly and with celebration love him from afar as he goes to live with her. But, it also means that I will never abandon him to institutional care. Although he clearly he loves his caretakers, and they love him, all authorities recognize that a child is best served physically and psycholgically by growing up in a family. He needs to be with a family. I really cannot believe that I have watched him grow for 6 months now, in pictures and video, and I still have no way to reach him. Something is very wrong. This has been another extremely difficult week. Next week, it is time for action again. If someone with some authority is reading this post, expect another flurry of e-mails and letters from our family next week. We will not abandon our child.


Jill said...

We wont' give up. Please let me know what I can do to help

Anonymous said...

Nope, we won't. Faith.

growing our love... said...

We will be fighting right there with you!!
You are not alone in this...

James and Melissa said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. Keep the faith. We aren't going to give up either.