Friday, May 2, 2008


We just finished watching Juno on DVD b/c G has not seen it yet. I love it. I guess because I actually love most kids the age of the protagonist (my job, and as corny as it may seem, my passion), I have a special affinity for the life mom, and I feel a connection to the step mom and the mom mom as well. The whole movie is kind of cathartic.

So, here I am thinking about Daniel's life mom, like I do almost every night. I wish I could know her. Here is the real. I will search for her some day. I would like, if it would not harm her, for CIS to find her. I want Daniel to have the understanding of how much she loves him. However, I don't get any indications (from my extensive inquiries) that anyone is really searching for her. The only information that I have is that he is still in an orphanage, and that our case is still considered "in investigation" and "blocked/ Tu Du". What is being done to investigate his individual case? No one can or will say. We are all (Daniel's life mom, Daniel, and me) being bamboozled. Otherwise, at least two of the three of us would be together right now.

Nevertheless, I am working on close to zero information here, so I would be so happy to be wrong if his case is actually being investigated, and we could get a determination soon.

I believe people, all people, are basically good.

I love Daniel.

Scotty had a great day. He told someone who asked about our adoption today, very matter of a fact, "My brother is still waiting in Vietnam." He has a soccer game tomorrow, but I am starting to think that baseball may be more his sport. In fact, though, he is more of a scientist than anything (go nerds). I'm so crazy about that kid.

92 days. 32 past 60. The weekend.

1 comment:

James and Melissa said...

I wish you had some information. It is just wrong. You are in my prayers each day! Somehow we will both get through this and we will have our babies!!