Sunday, March 23, 2008


A mom from my agency waiting to travel to bring her daughter home from Daniel's same orphanage has a friend who is on a trip to VN. She visited the babies last week. Here is what she says about Daniel:

"Daniel had a bit of a cold- with some chest congestion, but good, non-colored nasal discharge. Like most of us in VN now, probably allergies. He is not sitting up by himself yet. Like A., he is very observant and loves to be held and kissed."

I cannot say how much I needed news about baby today. I am concerned that he is not sitting yet, and I am so sad that he is not feeling well, but I am so happy that someone was most definitely kissing him.

Please, please, please, please, please let me bring him home.

8 Days


Jill said...

Do NOT worry about his not sitting up. Brady was 9 months old when we first saw him and he could not sit up alone either. We sat him up and he just looked confused and fell right over :). Now he just can't sit still! 8 more days. It will happen. Pray Pray Pray

Aloha Kim and Rocky said...

So happy for your news sounds like he is doing well. Keep positive! Our thoughts are with you.

Alix said...

I hope Daniel recovers from his cold or allergies quickly!!! He needs to come home so you can take care of him!

Praying and thinking of you!

Jen said...

Yay! Another update :) Sorry your little guy isn't feeling so well. I really hope you guys hear something about your case this week!

Anonymous said...

This post brought tears to my eyes. I understand how you feel. My case is very similar - - same agency, exact same CIS acknowledgement of receipt date, same hospital, same subsequent e-mail about the hospital. I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about what more we can do to get our little boys home.


R&H said...

Our daughter was also born at Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. What orphanage is your little boy at? We were just there a month ago and may have a picture of him if he was at the same orphanage as our little girl.
I truly wish you the best. I have no words to express how awful I feel for you and your family-it has got to be a horrible feeling not knowing what is going on with your case.
If you want to email me please do.
at first
dis cove ries chi ld ca re dot com
