Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 34

Thankful that
1) NyQuil exists
I get to teach the following great stuff to great kids (at various times): 2) Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet 3) Life is Beautiful 4) To Kill a Mockingbird 5) The God's Must be Crazy 6) The Crucible 7) Things Fall Apart 8) All Quiet on the Western Front 9) Patrick Henry's "Speech to the Virginia Convention" 10) Julius Caesar 11) excerpts from The Epic of Gilgamesh 12) The Odyssey 13) excerpts from The Mahabharata 14) any Hemingway short story 15) any Whitman poem 16) Frankenstein 17) "The Scarlet Ibis" 18) "The Norwegian Rat" 19) "I Have a Dream" MLK 20) "Manifesto on Ars Poetica" Frank Chipsula 21) The Education of Little Tree 22) Red Scarf Girl 23) As I Lay Dying 24) Thoreau 25) Wordsworth 26) Coleridge 27) Langston Hughes 28) Gwendolyn Brooks 29) the funny pooting part of Canterbury Tales ...and many more. 30) When Scotty walks up to strangers and says "Excuse me sir, did you know the sun is a burning ball of gas?" etc. It is not entirely safe, I know, but he is so curious and so adorable. Be sure that I keep a close eye on him! 31) This is a little embarrassing, but I have been really digging Neil Diamond's "Cherry, Cherry" on the way to school lately. 32) I got caught singing "Cherry Cherry", and I mean rocking it, in my car at a stoplight; I decided not to care, turned the radio even louder, and continued to sing my head off. 34) Getting older makes me less self-conscious.

Sing it, Neil.

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