Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 37 and 23 Days to Go

Here is what I think. I think that we are going to get our approval in the last week of March. Why? I think this will happen because 1) that will be 60 days 2) I have thought for about a year that April would be when we brought our child home. 4) CIS and DofS have to get things moving eventually. Otherwise, they will be buried in applications.

How can people who have been waiting since November for approval keep it together? This is a really crazy wait. I have literally pinned so much hope on the last week of March that if the approval doesn't come then, I might turn into a nut case. Not kidding at all.


James and Melissa said...

I will think happy thoughts for you! CIS and DOS do need to get things moving!

Jill said...

I am glad I am not the only one who focus on specific dates. I did this with Feb for our ref. even though I knew it could be April. You would think once it passed I would re-focus on April but I did not I went with March :)- I am thinking a big march celebration for us both!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you state these things. It's inspiring and helps me, too.

Mama Pajama said...

I have two different dates tracking on my calendar. My "60 working day" countdown and the magical "60 days is 60 days" countdown. One can dream, right?