Friday, August 15, 2008

Thank You

It is with JOY and GRATITUDE that I write this post.

1) First, I must tell the many of you who have followed our story and posted your comments on this blog, you have made a huge difference to me. When I began this online journal, I had no idea that it would become a sort of lifeline for me to people who, despite miles and anonymity, clearly understand what happened. You understand how much I love Daniel even though it has been something very difficult to articulate or explain, and your support has been a blessing. Thank you so much.

2) I am thankful for Tu Du and my agency parents (home, approved, and waiting); thank you. I won't say why now, but you have brought Daniel home. How can someone thank another person for saving her child? You have.

3) I am thankful to my mom and my J. I'll tell you in person.

4) Senator Dole and staffers (especially C.A.). THANK YOU.

5) R. from C. P's office might not see this, but you have really been hanging in there with us. Thank you.

6) I am thankful for my big sister who has always given me the right words with the right (and beautiful) heart.

7) I am thankful for my little sister who is a shining light.

8) I am thankful for my brother who loves me.

9) I am thankful for all of my family: nephews, nieces, cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws. Thank you for your work, your letters, and your prayers.

10) I am so thankful for my friends, old and new.

I can't wait to see you, baby Daniel. I am so thankful to your life mother, to your caretakers and to God for creating and loving YOU. I am infinity thankful, and I would journey to you for my whole life for you to know how much you are loved and wanted. I do not regret one moment that brings me to the place where I can finally hold you in my arms. I am thankful for you.

We waited 196 days for our I600 APPROVAL.


Kelly said...

This is SO long overdue and I am so happy for your family! Travel safe and give Daniel BIG hugs from his adoring fans back here in NC who cant wait to see him!

Jill said...

This is the best Thankful post yet! I am still over the moon happy for you! I can't wait to see Daniel I bet he will love the park!

Erin said...

It was so nice to meet you tonight! I am so excited for you and your family! Love your blog and cannot wait to hear all about your journey to bring Daniel home. So wonderful!! Erin Parsons

Dana said...

I have been following your blog for many months. I found you on RQ and have been hoping that you would be able to bring your son home. I was in tears today when I read your post. Although I have never met you, I am thrilled that you are finally bringing him home. May God bless your family. I hope you travel quickly and he is in your arms soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is WONDERFUL news!!! I am beyond thrilled for your family and for Daniel!!! Congrats!